The database is accesible through a login page. To access the database, one must request a login from database admins. The scientific database has a public interface, accessible at “online database” on the menu, which disables sensitive data (such as exact location, centroids or entire sites, in cases where publication is still underway), yet provides all other information otherwise recorded in the database.
Basic data concerning archaeological excavations can be uploaded to levels “Site” and “Site version”. These two levels connect the other levels, namely “Features”, “Stratigraphical units” and “Finds”. Every site version is complete with a map view. Required and optional fields include obligatory official fields and unique fields specific to research.
The “Feature” and “Stratigraphical unit” features contain descriptions on individual archaeological features. Fields include obbligatory official fields and digital documents. Records are supplemented by unique fields (such as dimensions, fills, cuts etc.), bibliographical records and other documents (such as photos, drawings or reports). Licenced admins may add further unique fields in the future.
Anthropological module includes scientific description and visual records on human remains of these burials.

Complex search
Complex queries and searches may be defined overarching multiple levels. Search results can be viewed, saved and edited as a list.
Seriation is a unique and particular feature of this scientific database. Relying on the processing capacity of modern hardware, based on preliminary rule sets, complex seriation scripts may be executed. Results obtained in this manner provide key insight into the interpretation of Sarmatian Age find material.